
Timeline Jumping

It’s time to shift your distortions to more empowered possibilities

Take the reins of creation into your hands.
You are being called to step forward!

It is within your choice: accept and continue the trajectory of your life, how it is now or be willing to stretch your identity and move to a deeper level of embodiment and creation. It is time to remember the ancient understandings of your own ability to access different timelines and outcomes by using the power of decisions and choices. 

What is
Timeline Jumping


Timeline jumping is a process where you start to consciously create your life. It is saying yes to what you desire and allow transformation to happen. This modality attunes you to your next level self. It can include visualisation, hypnosis, breathing, body awareness and tapping.

Jumping means you choose to shift your awareness from one potential to another. You give your focus from something that has limited you or kept you small, to something that is supporting you on your path.

Timeline Jumping is about making a conscious decision to embody the present moment in a completely new way. In the journey you are creating the new version of yourself by interrupting your current vibrational charge, by identifying the direction of your new timeline and by choosing to embody it in the now as best as you can. The things you choose to focus on during jumping, determine which timeline you will experience. If you are not consciously choosing the new version you want to embody, the default programs of your past will most probably choose for you.

It might be anchored into your subconscious belief system that in order to change, you have to put in a lot of effort and work in the outside. If you are looking for this path, Timeline Jumping is not for you. This modality is a possibility to experience change in the moment from within with effortless ease. It opens up the space to become aware of aspects of yourself that are not serving you in embodying your highest potentials, like staying in a place of lack, fear, separation, limitation, unworthiness, playing small, scarcity etc.

Note: Jumping Timeline is not an escape from your current reality or a bypassing of your processes. In fact we first spend time to acknowledge and allow what is present. Then it is time to choose what you want to lay focus on and embody what has always been with you and available to you.

The Process


For your Timeline Jumping session, we will meet on Zoom and start by talking about your intentions for the journey - the new identity or value that wants to be embodied.

You will be guided into a relaxed, trance-like state. It all starts with the creation of awareness for how you see yourself in the present. You will then focus your attention on the sensation within your body. Without judgment you simply observe. Through visualisation you move your current timeline into the void, a space of endless neutrality, where you dissolve the story and meaning about yourself, and your reality. In the void your eternal essence exists outside of time and space and is able to experience different outcomes in different timelines.

Your journey continues into new templates of your future to merge with all the available higher possibilities and potentials. In the process of jumping aka merging with your new self, you expand your zone of possibility in your brain, which is what you think is possible for you in your life and is often limited by our beliefs, programs and a lack of a different experience. We can only create what we desire, if our system knows how it feels. So the goal is to immerse yourself into the experience of already embodying all that you desire and teach your body and your entire system how that feels.

After jumping it is essential that we talk about your anchors, that we are identifying during the journey. These are like bookmarks for the states you experience within the session. They will remind you of your next version self and help you to integrate the aspects of your new timeline.

What you receive

  • A Live 60-90 minutes Timeline Jumping Zoom Session with me

  • Integration Practices Afterwards

  • Additionally you can book your Next Level Audio Package to receive a Preparation Journey to gain more clarity what it is you want to transform + an Integration Audio Journey to solidify your new timeline and keep working on creating a new version of yourself

Additional Information


You’re in the right place if you….

  • are annoyed by reenacting the same patterns in your life

  • seeking for new direction

  • are not fully satisfied and fulfilled with where you are now

  • feel you’re capable of more than your circumstances allow

  • are ready to invite new possibilities and potentials

  • want to stop allowing things to just happen to you

  • are willing to show and level up in your life

  • want to feel empowered

  • are intrigued by the thought of choosing your new embodiment

  • are ready to let go of old and outdated stories about yourself

  • believe that change can manifest instantaneously and with ease

  • love attracting meaningful coincidences

  • wish for transformation from a place of fullness and love

  • are willing and dedicated to keep working on embodying your
    new timeline after the session

Timeline Jumping is not for you if…

  • you are not open to explore new possibilities

  • you are not ready to change

  • you are looking for a quick fix without taking self responsibility

  • you are trying to escape or run away from your reality

When and how often should I do a Timeline Jump?

The amount of jumps is up to you. It is best to do one, whenever you feel you are ready to create change in your life. This is perfect for times when you feel a little inbetween or stuck, when you need to make a decision or know you want to step into your own power and take control of your life’s direction.

Timeline Jumping can be a great way to gain clarity, inspiration, motivation, trust, access higher potentials, connect to your highest timeline self, go from forcing and pushing to creating with flow and ease. This modality can also support you in moments of change within your life, of not knowing what the next steps are/how to move forward, being clueless or feeling stagnant.

What Timeline Jumpers are saying